5 Day Breathwork Immersion
+ Optional Yoga Add on
I am SO excited to be back with another online experience for all of you! Woohoo!!! This time we are focusing on the breath and its AMAZING power. I decided to bring this to you all because I have shifted my practice to include a ton more breathwork and have recognized just how powerful it truly is. Being that it is the holiday season, this time of year can bring up a lot for each and every one of us. It doesn't matter how much work we have done on ourselves, or that we are now able to gather more normally again, the holidays can bring up a multitude of emotions and past trauma. With daylight being shorter it can also trigger depression in a lot of us. For that reason I felt called to create a space for everyone to take great care of themselves and feel supported by a beautiful community. There will also be an active Facebook Group for everyone to join and share their experience.
The breath is one of THE most powerful tools that we have. Without it we literally would not be able to survive. That's why for the past 6 years I have trained and practiced with different breathing techniques to live a healthier and happier life.
Some benefits of various techniques are, reducing anxiety and depression, bringing the body into an alkaline state, releasing trauma, realigning your energy, reducing inflammation in the body, feeling more grounded and so so much more! AND within recent years there have been more and more scientific studies showing the multitude of benefits that consciously breathing can create.
So if you feel like this may be something that resonates with you, continue reading below for all the details!
This is for anyone who is ready to gain more tools for a healthier and happier life and who is ready to heal. Some of these breathing techniques can tap into stored trauma in our bodies and bring them up to be released. Of courses you take it however deep you want to go, this is all about what YOU need. Other techniques will train you to calm the nervous system and send you into a Parasympathetic state (Rest, Digest and Repair). Plus gain the benefit of having an amazing group of humans that you can connect with during these times.
Through this immersion you will experience anywhere from 7-10 different breathing techniques ranging from Kapalabhati, Yogic Breathing, Wim Hof and much more. From this you can see which resonate most with you and continue to practice them in your every day life. Plus you'll receive journal prompts to use at your own liking. (You will have LIFETIME access to these videos, AMAZING!)
-Every Monday for 5 weeks starting November 15th @7pm CST.
(Classes approximately 60-90min. each)
-Classes will be RECORDED and posted to the Facebook Group and/or emailed.
(Exact dates are Nov. 15th, 22nd, 29th Dec. 6th and 13th. )
Via Zoom, link will be emailed. Recordings and journal prompts will be shared to Facebook Group and/or emailed.
Additional Yoga Option:
-5 Yoga Classes, 1 Class every Wednesday at 7pm CST via Zoom.
(Classes approximately 60-90 min. each)
(Exact Dates for the Yoga Classes are Nov. 17th, 24th Dec. 1st, 8th and 15th.)
-Classes will be RECORDED and posted to the Facebook Group and/or emailed.
How Much:
Breathwork Only -$111 OR 2 monthly payments of $55.50 (First payment due at sign up.)
Cost for Both Breathwork + Yoga: $222 or 2 monthly payments of $111 (First payment due at sign up.)
*If you need more assistance with breaking down the payments please feel free to reach out to me. I want everyone who desires to be a part of this to join no matter what.
Click button below to register!
Breathwork Only:
Breathwork + Yoga: